St. Peter Evangelical Lutheran Church
All are Welcome in this Place!
Join us for worship with Holy Communion
every Sunday at 10:30 am

God's Work - Our Hands
The Things We DO
Christ has no body but yours; no hands,
no feet on earth but yours.
Yours are the eyes with which he looks compassion on this world.
Yours are the feet with which he walks to do good.
Yours are the hands with which he blesses all the world.
Yours are the hands, yours are the feet, yours are the eyes, you are his body.
Christ has no body now but yours.

written by: St. Teresa of Avila

The concept of selling pumpkins to raise funds has evolved into so much more! In the hands of loving and caring individuals, these orange vegetables have changed lives. We are proud to have the opportunity to spend time and energy doing something so rewarding.  


Our congregation has been honored with the label “The Pumpkin Church”.  We have raised many thousands of dollars to help fund local concerns such as Carlsbad Battered Family Shelter, Jonah's House Food Pantry, Carlsbad Teri Able Community Kitchen, Carlsbad Community of Hope Center, Packs for Hunger, Grace House, Crossroads, the Loving Care Center of Carlsbad, our mission sister congregation Iglesia Luterana Cristo Rey, and so many others!


Volunteers, community support and hard work can make anything happen!

TAX Aide

Since 2007 St. Peter Lutheran Church, has operated a volunteer income tax preparation site.  The site offers free assistance in preparing and filing income tax returns. 

All volunteers are IRS certified. Spanish language assistance is also available. Volunteers are trained to help taxpayers take advantage of tax credits, including the Earned Income Tax Credit and the Child Tax Credit.  The free tax return preparation service prepares and files tax returns electronically. 

The goal of our tax site is to be welcoming and respectful while providing a professional quality service which eliminates tax preparation fees for our clients.


Carlsbad Transitional Housing & Homeless Shelter, Inc. (CTHHS) was incorporated as a non-profit agency in 1999. Our mission is to promote the social welfare of the City of Carlsbad by aiding in relieving a serious shortage of decent, safe and sanitary housing for families of low or moderate income, and, in so doing to combat discrimination and community deterioration. We also provide information and mentoring services in order to help families achieve economic self-sufficiency and become productive members of our community. 

We work closely with Carlsbad Mental Health Services. Founding and participating churches include Carlsbad Mennonite, Epworth United Methodist, First Christian, First Presbyterian, First United Methodist, Grace Episcopal, San Jose Catholic, Sunset Church of Christ and St Peter Lutheran. 

In 2011 we embarked on a new mission to establish a homeless shelter to provide temporary safe and sanitary shelter for transient families and chronically homeless men and women, especially during periods of harsh and inclement weather.


We all have events in our lives which may cause us to experience physical, emotional, or spiritual pain.  Even when we have friends and family, we may feel alone or lost.  We know that God is with us in these times, but often the caring heart, listening ear, or loving touch of another person can make God’s presence more real to us.  This is the purpose and design of the Stephen Ministry program.

Stephen Ministers have the opportunity to accompany an individual on a journey that may result from the loss of a loved one, a broken relationship, illness, or even a struggle of faith. The goal is never to “fix the problem” but rather to listen, support, and share the love and grace of God.  The friendships that may occur on this journey together is a blessing.

God did not promise to excuse us from hardship, but He did promise that we need not struggle alone.  If you or someone you know has need of one-on-one, confidential, Christian caregiving, please make that known to our Pastor.  St. Peter is joined with several other congregations to train and support Stephen Ministers so that caregivers can be well-matched with care receivers.

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